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I. Yangzhuang Iron Mine
Currently, the Group possesses a mining permit of Yangzhuang Iron Mine with an approved annual mining production scale of 2.3 Mt.
II. Zhuge Shangyu Ilmenite Mine
Zhuge Shangyu Ilmenite Mine currently possesses a mining permit with an approved annual mining production scale of 0.4 Mt.
III. Qinjiazhuang Ilmenite Mine
In 2016, the Group will determine whether it will make investment in or conduct production activities at Qinjiazhuang Ilmenite based on market changes.
IV. Luxing Titanium
Luxing Titanium currently possesses a mining permit with an approved annual mining production scale of 1.5 Mt.

During the first half of 2014, approximately 0.2 Mt of titanium ores were processed and approximately 4 Kt of 57% iron concentrates and approximately 6 Kt of 46% titanium concentrates were produced.